Monday, April 2, 2012

Another US School Massacre: Oakland Shooting

Just recently, a man by the name of One Goh Ko in Oikos University, Oakland, CA opened fire on his class killing at least 7 students and injuring others.
A witness recounted she heard pops that sounded like firecrackers. Then someone yelled "He has a gun!" All hell broke loose as everyone scurried to find a hiding place or bolt for the school doors.

Another witness told the police that a woman at the front desk was shot first then the shooter continued firing randomly in classrooms.

Many were baffled by the incident as everyone knew he was a 'good kid'. on the day of he shooting, he called his Dad and told him of the shooting and that he was leaving a stolen car in Alameda. The Father also stated to the police he has not seen his son in days.  Five months prior, the suspect's older brother died in a vehicular accident.
Goh Ko was apprehended after he walked into a Safeway Store and told someone what he did. Alameda police then took him into custody.  Story developing as police find out the motive behind the gruesome tragedy.

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