This man who is not even five feet tall declined the use of a scoped Swedish Mauser rifle for the smaller, old, Mosin carbine with iron sights. No telescopic aid and he killed each soldier who went into the forest single-handedly. His favorite pickings were officers and weapons crews.
Dude would just pick a comfortable place int he woods, hide and wait then head-shoots each Soviet military who goes into that forest.
The Soviet Government put a price on his head to kill him. Even sending their own snipers to put an end to his carnage but he managed to wipe their existence everytime.
At one point he even managed to kill 25 Russians in a single day. They would send several commies to the forest to look for him and he would take them out like he was swatting flies with accuracy.
One day, someone shot him in the face and was pulled off the field. Several days later with a part of his face blown away, he came out of the coma and lived to a ripe old age of 97.
He is credited all over the world for being the most effective sniper in the history of warfare.
Read more about him here: http://www.badassoftheweek.com/hayha.html
or here: http://www.suite101.com/content/simo-h-yh--the-greatest-sniper--a5714
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