Getting pimples is like having shit splattered on your face on a daily basis and you can't do anything about it while you feel everyone around stares at you. How can you get a girl to notice you and not the shit on your face? How can you get a guy to ask you out without him noticing those ugly pus-filled fuckers? You can't. Because you have lost so much self confidence all you can think of is the shame of having a face filled with pimples!
The internet is filled with all sorts of medication, tips and tricks to prevent or remove them. Doctors and scientists have been trying to find ways to completely erradicate the occurrence but none has worked successfully yet.
True, some of them may work slightly but I haven't seen one yet that I can completely endorse. Which is why this article will not focus on what you should do to remove them but rather what you should do so you can live a normal life:
1. Don't focus on the pimples. One of my writers' husband, Daniel, is 30 years old but his face is still filled with pimples/acne. He has become so embarassed about it that his wife is unable to introduce him to her friends or co-workers. He doesn't like socializing because of this. The wife doesn't care about his face but it has become such a main focus for him that it affected their social life.
What should he do? He should not make it a priority in his life. He's had those pimples since he was a teenager. He should learn to deal with it! Focusing on those ugly lumps gives it more power and that is something you should never do: Empower something negative in your life. Who's at the losing end? You are.
2. Don't Let Your Pimples Define You. So when we had an office dinner with the staff and their family, Daniel was convinced by his wife to come with her. At the dinner table, he was very quite and tried to hide his face with his long hair by turning his face down and focusing on his food most of the time. You could tell he was very uncomfortable and it made the dinner almost awkward had most of my staff not engaged him in conversation (I have a wonderful staff, by the way). Soon enough, he was talking and laughing all throughout the dinner.
The people around him didn't see him as a pimple that grew a face and body. They saw him as a co-worker's husband who joined them for that night to have a good time with everyone. But we all know not all people are like my staff. Some would have probably ignored him or talked about him. What to do? Just go on with your life! The more you let those pimples affect you, the more you're letting everyone know you're defining your way of life through what you're feeling about them. Some will let you just do it and let you wallow in self pity or embarassment. Then you're screwed.
Do the things you normally do in the normal way without thinking people are staring at your pimples. Sure they will stare at you initially, but people don't obsess about pimples, not if you don't obsess about your own. If they see you're fine with them, they will eventually think the same.

You can chose to be like Daniel and live a miserable life or be like Tom who has accepted things as they are and learned to live with it, which gave him a better life.
It won't be easy, especially if you have wallowed in despair for so long already. But things get better if you chose to.